BUCKET LIST: Land the Wingsuit Without Deploying the Parachute – Gary Connery, DONE

Full galery, HERE.

Gary Connery just tenths of a second before touching down and making the first successful wingsuit landing of mankind history.

48h ago was a GOOOOOD DAY!!

Well!!! If you are reading this, is simply because he really did it! I still cannot believe my memories and often have to reccur to my galleries so that my brain reminds it and the memory sticks as a real one! More after the jump… Continue reading

Wingsuit Landings and the British Weather

Photograph by Karen Sutton from Limelight Design & Marketing Limited

Well, in case you have been living in another planet or you haven’t heard, British Stuntman and BASE jumper Gary Connery is about to attempt the first wingsuit landing without opening a parachute, in the world.

If this doesn’t seem EPIC for you, you might need to revise your standards. In a world where pretty much all the frontiers have been conquered by man, this one seems to remain one of the last feats and long time dreams of man to be accomplished.

Portraited in the nice picture here on the side is Gary Connery in his long wait for the British weather window that will allow him to make history.

As part of my of my photography and video projects for this year I have been in negotiations with Mrs. & Mr. Connery in an attempt to make a feature documentary that would capture the essence of the man behind this attempt. Click for the jump and get to know the exciting news… Continue reading